Congratulations to the 2 senior winners of best artists Dylan Ortery and Kaylee Allen!
about 1 year ago, Dana Densberger
Dylan and his fabulous pots!
Dylan rocking it today; making the largest bowl to date!
Kaylee and her painting !
Rock Island County Sheriff's Deputies visited Mrs. Neece's classes today to discuss Criminology and the 4th Amendment. Deputy Rasso was kind enough to take a bite for demonstration purposes.
about 1 year ago, Brandee Neece
Deputy Jeff Leonhart and K-9 Nyles
Dpty. Smith & K-9 Kodak
Looking beautiful
Dpty. Brady Smith & Dpty. Leonhart
Liaison Deputy Rasso taking a bite for the team.
Congratulations to RHS Senior Tessa DeClerck, who was honored as the March Student of the Month at last night's Board Meeting.
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Tessa SOM
The introduction to agriculture class recently learned about Dr. Temple Grandin and her research discussing animal behavior and fear free handling of animals. After conducting research of their own, these students constructed chutes to move an animal from one cage to another without physically handling the animal and attempting to create a fear free environment! Today they tested their chutes on some very adorable guests!
about 1 year ago, Kirsten Kapraun
intro to ag team 3
intro to ag team 2
intro to ag team 1
intro to ag team 2
intro to ag team 2
intro to ag team 1
team 1
team 1
team 3
team 3
NHS will be hosting their annual Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 24th at 2:00. We are looking for candy donations to help offset the cost. Any help is appreciated.
about 1 year ago, Tami Clarke
NHS Egg Hunt is March 24th at 2:00
There is an issue this morning with the boiler in the jr/sr end of the building. Please bundle up a bit today.
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
We want input from the entire Rockridge Community! Please join us in determining recommendations for future Rockridge Facility Plans. Visit for a complete overview of the process.
about 1 year ago, D Graves
Painting class outside today! Jude and Aryanna's painting for the play! A few art students working!
about 1 year ago, Dana Densberger
painting ll class
Printmaking students
printmaking by Trent
Jude and Aryanna’s collaboration !
Jude and Aryanna’s collaboration!
Good luck to our HS Scholastic Bowl team at IHSA Regionals today (3/4). The meet starts at 4:30 at Riverdale HS.
about 1 year ago, D Graves
Thank you to everyone who helped us CRUSH Student Lunch Debt in the Rockridge District by supporting the RHS Student Council Crush Fundraiser! We raised $5,250.00 which erased the lunch debt of 195 students in the Rockridge School District. A special thank you to Christopher & Lindsay Bayer, Glen Cook, Travis & Krista Aring, Tina Sims, the Andalusia Lions Club, and a generous anonymous donor for their specific donations that added to the $1,000 raised by the Rockridge Student Council.
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Good Luck to all the RHS Music Students as they perform and compete today at the IHSA Solo & Ensemble Contest at Monmouth-Roseville!
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Varsity BBB / IHSA Sectional Championship at Canton / Final / Macomb 54 Rockridge 38 / the Rockets end a great season in the Sweet 16 and a record of 25-7
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Varsity BBB at the IHSA Sectional Championship at Canton / End of Q3 / Rockridge 31 Macomb 43
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Varsity BBB at the IHSA Sectional Championship at Canton / Halftime / Rockridge 22 Macomb 27
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Varsity BBB at the IHSA Sectional Championship at Canton / End of Q1 / Rockridge 16 Macomb 11
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Check out Volume 4 of The Rocketeer! RHS students are doing some awesome things right now. Keep it up Rockets!
about 1 year ago, Patricia Graves
IHSA Sectional Championship 🚀 Rockridge vs. ✈️ Macomb 📅 Fri Mar 1 ⏰ 6:00 pm 📍 Ingersoll Gym | 44 Walnut St | Canton, IL 🎟️ $8 Cash $7 via GoFan 📻 WRMJ 102.3 FM or the WRMJ App 💻 YouTube via Hulett PubliPro
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Sectional Championship
Macomb defeated Peoria Manual tonight in the Sectional Semifinal. Rockridge will face Macomb Friday at 6:00 pm in the Sectional Championship at Canton.
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Rockets WIN 31-28!! They advance to Friday's Sectional Championship!!
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson
Carson Klemme draws a big charge to give the Rockets the ball with 10.3 left - up 30-28
about 1 year ago, Katy Hasson