Our thoughts and prayers are with the students, families, and staff affected by the tragic accident that has impacted the entire Prophetstown-Lyndon-Tampico School District.

The Rockridge Academic Achievement Awards will once again honor the top students in each class this spring at our Awards Night on May 7th. We will also recognize the top seniors in each of the departmental areas. I am extremely proud of the outstanding students here at Rockridge High School. These students have made a tremendous effort to achieve these top honors. Recognition of this academic achievement helps reinforce the message that educational excellence is valued by our community.
We rely solely on the generous donors from the Rockridge Community to help us make this worthy event possible. The Rockridge Community donated over $20,000.00 last year to fund the 2023 awards. Now, more than ever, we need the support of our community to ensure the 2024 awards are fully funded. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the 2024 Rockridge Academic Achievement Awards. Be assured that 100% of the donations received will stay here at Rockridge to finance the Academic Achievement Awards Program, including the award plaques and the departmental award scholarships.
I sincerely appreciate the time you are taking out of your busy schedule to contribute to this worthwhile program. Please send your check and the Pledge Form to Rockridge High School. Do not hesitate to contact me via phone (309-793-8020) or email (khasson@rr300.org) if you have questions about the 2024 Rockridge Academic Achievement Awards.
Thank you so much for your support!
Katy Hasson, RHS Principal
Electronic Donation Form: https://5il.co/2hds9
Online Donation Instructions: https://5il.co/2hdsb

Today's NHS Easter Egg Hunt will be held INSIDE in the RHS South Gym at 2 pm due to the weather.

The Rockridge Gray Matters members are using their thinking caps tonight at the Gray Matters Collective Trivia Night at the Rust Belt!

Students in Mrs. Clarke's Geometry class used Trigonometry to measure the distance to an object across the "river."

Take a look at how our plants are growing! This week the students helped prep the hydroponics system for spring break by doing some cleaning and checking water and nutrient levels. We even found our first pea pod! They will be harvesting some lettuce before we leave for break as well! Thank you Charlie for letting us share in this experience!

QCARTS High School Invitational opens Saturday! Awards ceremony Thursday 3/28 @ 6:30! 6 students were entered this year: Dylan Ortery, Jude Finch, Jackson Parchert, Adda Rudsell, Aryanna Stahr & Conner Hoteling!

Thank you to Brittany Smith of Bo's Longbranch who presented a donation of $870 to the Rockridge Gray Matters Chapter. Pictured (back row L-R) Sponsor Mrs. Bohnsack, Colton Reid, Charlie Edwards, Alex Geier, Haylee Boden, Sponsor Mrs. Neece. Front row L-R: Brittany Smith of Bo's Longbranch, Kylie Meyer, Tessa DeClerck, & Caroline Neece.

Rockridge CUSD #300 and its custodial services partner FBG are happy to recognize Tyler Casey, who recently received the FBG Value Award for Innovation & Experimentation. He earned the award for development of a new cleaning routine for the second shift crew on game nights.

Students in Intro to the Trades are making signs on the wood carving CNC machine! We've spent a lot of time highlighting manufacturing careers.

The Rockridge FFA is hosting a community auction on June 1st! Community members will be able to sell any type of ag equipment or products during the auction. More information to come!

Winter Cheer Banquet 23-24 Season
Improvement Award- Payten Huntley and Rori Myers
Spirit Award- Mikayla Wells
Dedication Award- Claire Stanforth
Leadership Award- Kylie Meyer
Game Day Cheer "Leader" Award- Arika Stutz and Faith Frieden
Academic Excellence Award (maintaining a 4.0 gpa or higher during season)- Lilly Bolt, Claire Stanforth, Kylie Meyer, Arika Stutz, Payten Huntley, Faith Frieden, Rori Myers, Natalie Hall, Kenzie Meyer, Marissa Gauley, and Mikayla Wells

Winter Cheer Banquet 23-24 Season

Rockridge has an opening for a HS Secretary. To apply, send a letter of application, current resume, and list of 3 professional references to khasson@rr300.org. Application deadline is March 31st.

Attention parents of RHS Seniors: it's time for Senior Baby Ads in the yearbook! See the email from Mrs. Hasson for details. Contact Ms. Graves with questions pgraves@rr300.org.

Rockridge High School students Lucas DeCook, Ethan Summy, Grady Craver, Rydge McAllister, Phenix Holcomb, Connor Deem, Jack Hitchcock, and Caelen Fuhr helped distribute food boxes today for the Rockridge Food Pantry.

Today's Baseball Season-Opener at Knoxville is being streamed on the NFHS Network! First pitch at 11:00 am.

Thank you to all who participated in the Community Engagement Sessions! Please visit https://www.rr300.org/page/community-engagement-sessions for an overview of the entire process or click https://5il.co/2gm3m to view the presentation from the fourth and final meeting.

Please join us for our annual Egg Hunt!

Rockridge Chemistry and Physics students visited Fermilab to learn more about quantum Physics.