HS Fall sports are scheduled to begin August 8th. Make sure all fall athletes have an updated physical.
Click the link below for practice information.

Reminder that the RR Football Golf Outing is this Saturday 8 am shotgun start at Indian Bluff Golf Course. Please try to be there by 730 for check in as we have a full course. There will be 50/50 and betting holes for $5 and $10. We will not be serving breakfast this year so eat prior to arriving. It is going to be a hot one!! Thank you all for your support!

We are pleased to announce that we now offer online payments through Paywat, a secure online payment provider. Log in to your Lumen parent portal to start paying online today.
Please see the link attached for more details and instructions

District Fee Day is TODAY (Wed July 20) from 1:00-7:00 in the HS Cafeteria for those who wish to pay in person. The date was listed wrong in a previous post by mistake.
Online payment info will be shared as soon as it is available.

The Rockridge CUSD #300 Board of Education regular scheduled meeting for tonight July 18, 2022 has been cancelled. We anticipate holding a special meeting on Monday, July 25, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Jr. High Library.

Please use the following link for updates regarding the upcoming fee day that will be held on Wednesday, July 20th: https://tinyurl.com/25eas9nc

Have you downloaded the Rockridge App yet? Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download it from your phone's app store by searching "Rockridge CUSD 300, IL".

All JH & HS PE Clothes for 2022-23 will be ordered through an online store. Each student is required to have a t-shirt and shorts as his/her PE uniform. Students may use PE clothes purchased in previous years if they still have them. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are also available for purchase but are not required. Please note, however, that students will only be permitted to wear the school-issued sweatshirt and/or sweatpants when the weather is colder. Students will not be allowed to wear their own sweatshirt or sweatpants this year in PE class.
The junior high and high school PE teachers have partnered with Breedlove's Sporting Goods to create this online store. Please click this link to access the online store https://rockridgepeuniforms22.itemorder.com/. Parents are encouraged to go online today to place an order for their student's PE clothing. Parents will be asked to submit their student's name and grade level during the order process, and can place orders for multiple students in the same order. All orders will be shipped directly to the school and will be delivered to students in August when school starts.
The online store is now open and will close July 27th to allow time for the orders to be processed & delivered to the school. Feel free to contact the JH or HS Office with any questions about the online order process.

Rockridge New Student Registration for grades K-12 is this Wednesday, July 13th! Registration for all grade levels will take place from 12:00 to 6:00 pm Wednesday in the JH/HS Cafeteria. Please visit the Registration Page on the district web site (https://www.rr300.org/page/registration) for details on what documents to bring to registration.
Please help spread the word to anyone you know who is new to the district this year!

Please use the link below to purchase Rockridge Softball State Apparel. The store closes on July 20th.

We are happy to report the 2022 Football Golf Outing is FULL! No other entries are being accepted. If you would like to be put in the waiting list please contact Dawn Deem at 309-236-2362 or dawnd0514@att.net.

FBG Service Corporation, our district's custodial services provider, has a current opening for a Second Shift Supervisor. For more information or to apply, please contact Chris Bragg at 309-781-6735.

The early bird cutoff for the July 23rd RR Football Golf Outing is approaching. Early bird pricing is $65 ($75 after June 27). All payments must be sent in by June 27 for early bird pricing. Questions? Dawn Deem 309-236-2362.
Registration form link: https://5il.co/1aq0h

Rockridge Boosters are seeking individuals for Board Member positions that want to be actively involved in supporting the mission of fundraising for all extra curricular & co-curricular activities of the district. Click the application link if interested. https://bit.ly/3NTsYhL

Dear JH & HS Parents:
All PE Clothes for 2022-23 will be ordered through an online store. Each student is required to have a t-shirt and shorts as his/her PE uniform. Students may use PE clothes purchased in previous years if they still have them. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are also available for purchase but are not required. Please note, however, that students will only be permitted to wear the school-issued sweatshirt and/or sweatpants when the weather is colder. Students will not be allowed to wear their own sweatshirt or sweatpants this year in PE class.
The junior high and high school PE teachers have partnered with Breedlove's Sporting Goods to create this online store. Please click this link to access the online store: https://rockridgepe2022.itemorder.com/. Parents are encouraged to go online today to place an order for their student's PE clothing. Parents will be asked to submit their student's name and grade level during the order process, and can place orders for multiple students in the same order. All orders will be shipped directly to the school and will be delivered to students in August when school starts.
The online store is now open and will close June 22nd to allow for the early orders to be processed. The store will re-open in July for a second round of orders. Parents are encouraged to order now so Breedlove's can access the necessary inventory to process the orders. Feel free to contact us with any questions about the online order process.
Katy Hasson & Scott Daly
RHS & RJHS Principals

All Rockridge parents are reminded to complete Online Student Registration for 22-23. Please click the link for more info: https://bit.ly/3rFihX5

All Rockridge CUSD #300 special education students that graduated the year of 2017 may pick up their temporary records from the Rockridge Guidance Office until September 1, 2022. After that date, they will be destroyed. The records may contain information required for Department of Rehabilitation Services Eligibility, SSI, etc.
All Rockridge CUSD #300 regular education students that graduated the year of 2017 may also pick up their temporary student records from the Rockridge Guidance Office until September 1, 2022. After that date, they will be destroyed as well.

Congratulations to Rockridge students William Johnson & Colton Harkert who graduated from the Black Hawk Center & the Phoenix Program this spring!

Please use the link below to purchase tickets for the softball Super-Sectional game Monday (5/30) at 11 am at Peoria Eastside Center

Tickets for the Softball Sectional at Tremont on Thursday are available exclusively online at
Tickets for the Boys Track and Field State events are available online at