Class of 2022 Seniors & Parents - I am happy to report that the supplemental order of 2021-22 RHS Yearbooks have finally arrived! For those who had not heard, there was a company production error with our original order and we were short about 50 yearbooks when they arrived in August. The decision was made to distribute yearbooks to our current students and hold the replacement order for our graduated seniors. That additional order has now arrived and we are ready to distribute the rest of the yearbooks. Emails have been sent to students & parents who ordered a 2022 yearbook. They are available for pick-up in the RHS Office during school hours. Graduates, parents, or siblings are welcome to stop by to pick up the yearbook. We will have additional evening hours available during the volleyball game on Wednesday, October 19th and during Parent/Teacher Conferences from 3:00 to 8:00 pm on October 26th & 27th. We apologize for the delay in getting these yearbooks ready for distribution. As you recall, we were in a tough situation last spring with a substitute adviser. I want to give a big shout-out to Bailah Bognar for all of her hard work keeping things going last spring (and early summer) to ensure the yearbook was completed and turned out great! Ms. Patricia Graves is our new yearbook adviser. She has been working through all of these details to ensure all of the Class of 2022 who ordered yearbooks get their book now that the full order has arrived. Let me know if you have any questions. Mrs. Hasson
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Rockridge Art Students are going to make crafts for the upcoming Veterans' Day Assembly. We are in need of the following items: CLEAN SOUP CANS CLEAN RED OR BLUE SOLO CUPS CLEAN PLASTIC COTTAGE CHEESE CONTAINERS RED/WHITE/BLUE RIBBON SMALL CARDBOARD TWINE ROPE Items can be dropped off at the RHS Office during school hours. Thank you! Mrs. Densberger Art Teacher
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
veterans crafts
The faculty & staff at Rockridge High School are pleased to announce that Callie Causemaker has been selected as the October Student of the Month. Callie is a senior at Rockridge High School and is the daughter of Joe & Keesha Causemaker of Milan. Callie reports that her favorite teacher is Mrs. Neece. She is active at RHS on the Football, Basketball, and Competitive Cheerleading Teams. She also is a member of the Student Council, National Honor Society, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Outside of school she is active in competitive dance at the Turning Pointe Dance Studio in Andalusia. She also serves as an assistant coach at Turning Pointe, where she works with the younger dancers at the studio. Callie reports that she enjoys hanging out with friends in her spare time and that she is taking lessons to get her private pilot’s license. Some of Callie’s teachers had the following to say about her nomination: • English Teacher & Student Council Adviser Ms. Brandy Cope said, “She is a great leader, very polite, and is responsible. Callie's great smile, positivity, and tenacity are not only refreshing, they help to encourage everyone around her. • Social Studies Teacher Mrs. Brandee Neece added, “Callie Causemaker is a student who I get the privilege of seeing twice a day. Callie is enrolled in Psychology and American Government and in both courses, she strives for excellence in completion of her daily work as well as in her performance on tests and quizzes. She does not hesitate to ask questions nor is she afraid to express her feelings on current affairs. Outside of the classroom, Callie is a definite leader throughout her participation as a cheerleader and a pivotal member of the Rockridge Student Council. She was an instrumental organizer of the various events on Activity Day and throughout the Homecoming week. But her signature feature is the constant smile on her face, which is priceless.” • Math Teacher Mrs. Angie DeKeyrel stated, “Callie always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude, even when Calculus gets tough. She always works hard.” After high school, Callie plans to attend the University of Dubuque to major in Aviation with a goal of becoming a commercial pilot.
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Congratulations to the Students of the Month who were honored at Tuesday's Board Meeting! Callie Causemaker (HS) & Josey Stegmiller (7th Grade)
over 2 years ago, Jon Lehtola
HS Student of Month
JH Student of the Month
Rockridge Baseball is excited to announce the return of our Halloween themed fundraiser "You've Been Boo'd", during the month of October. Don't miss the chance to "Boo" your friends, family, and neighbors by sending a set of our traveling ghosts to haunt their yard along with a festive leave behind sign showing support for Rockridge Baseball. Use the link below to submit your donation online or send in the completed form with payment. Every donation goes directly toward baseball uniform items and field improvements. Rockridge Baseball would like to thank you in advance for your continued support. Go Rockets!!! Click the Link Below: Online Payment Instructions Step 1: Scan the QR code and/or use the link to fill out the google form Step 2: After submitting the form, follow the the link on the next page to begin payment process Step 3: Click "Make a One-Time Payment" Step 4: Enter "Baseball" for name of fundraiser Step 5: Enter $ amount & Click "Add and Checkout" Step 6: Enter e-mail information Step 7: Enter Payment Method Step 8: Agree to terms and make payment
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Congratulations to Amelia Rursch who was honored by Modern Woodmen with their Hometown Hero Award for her work with the Gray Matters Collective!
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Amelia Rursch
RHS Seniors participated in College App Day today. Mrs. Bohnsack offered assistance and guided students as they filled out college applications during their study hall time this morning!
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
college app day
college app day
Rockridge FFA is preparing for tomorrow's Fall Market. The Market is tomorrow (October 8th) starting at 9am and runs until 2pm at the Rockrige Ag Shop.
over 2 years ago, Jon Lehtola
Fall Market
Rocket Fuel Wrestling Sign-ups Wednesday, October 12th 5:00 to 6:30 pm RHS Cafeteria See flyer for details
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
wrestling flyer
Friday's Football game at Sherrard will be a JH/Varsity doubleheader. The JH game will start at 5:00 pm and will be running clock to allow varsity warm-ups to start on time. The Varsity game will start at 7:00 pm. Gates will open at 4:30 pm for the JH game.
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Congratulations to the 2022 RHS Homecoming Royalty: Noah Jorgensen & Amelia Rursch!
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
king & Queen
HS students having fun during Activity Day today!
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
human soccer
spike all
HS Activity Day is Today: Dress appropriately for the chilly morning! Students will NOT be allowed to go to cars or lockers once we start!
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Homecoming Walking Taco Supper - Thu Sept 29 - 4:30 pm to the end of Pep Rally at the FB Field Concession Stand.
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Rockridge will celebrate Homecoming next week with dress-up days each day. The theme this year is "Candyland". HS Activity Day is the morning of Thursday, September 28th. The Homecoming Parade will be in Edgington starting at 5:30 pm Thursday. It will be followed by a Walking Taco Supper at the Football Field Concession Stand which benefits the Junior Class and a public Pep Rally at the Football Stadium, where the King & Queen will be announced. The Rockets will take on the Morrison Mustangs in the Homecoming Football Game on Friday, September 30th at 7:00 pm. The Homecoming Dance will take place in the North Gym from 7:30 to 10:30 pm Saturday, October 1st. Members of the Homecoming Court are pictured in the attached photo: Front Row: Freshman Attendants Caleb Cox & Kaycee Price, Junior Attendants Colin Huntley & Kylie Meyer, & Sophomore Attendants Bailee Ryckaert & Wrigley Evans Middle Row: Senior Attendants / Queen Candidates Callie Causemaker, Emily Jensen, Payton Brown, Malorie Workman, Cierra Bush, Ella Goodnight, & Amelia Rursch Back Row: Senior Attendants / King Candidates Nicholas Viren, Zayd Evans, Chris Geier, Noah Jorgensen, Kameron Bohnsack, Bryan Blumenstein, & Kamden Weinert
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
HoCo Court
Congrats to Alaina Carter, who was recognized with Academic Honors from the College Board's Rural & Small Town Recognition for her academic excellence!
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Congrats to the Students of the Month who were honored at Monday's Board Meeting! Noah Jorgensen (HS) & Garrett Buser (8th Grade).
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Rockridge Homecoming Parade - Thu Sept 29 at 5:30 pm Parade Entry Form here: Entries due this Fri Sept 23rd
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
RHS is happy to announce that the National Honor Society’s Rocket Closet is up and running in room NE-19 - located between Mrs. Neece's and Mr. Sealey‘s rooms at the High School. Thanks to the community’s support, students and families are welcome to receive personal hygiene products or school supplies from the closet. It will be open every Monday after school until 4:30 pm. For product requests or donation information please contact Tami Clarke at
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson
Rocket Closet
Rocket Closet
FAFSA 101 Night - Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30 pm in the RHS Auditorium - Parents of all Juniors & Seniors are encouraged to attend. Contact Mrs. Bohnsack with questions.
over 2 years ago, Katy Hasson